
After the online registration of interest you get a mail with information of the total cost for the tournament fee and the t-shirts ordered, if any. Pay this amount no later than May 25th to complete your EPC registration. NOTE that the t-shirts are ordered Monday May 14th (GMT). Only paid t-shirts are ordered! The payment options are as follows.

Domestic payments (from Sweden only)

Bank transfer:
Swedbank: (clearing) 7136, (account) 1266139

Mark the payment with "EPC", and include name, city and highscore initials.

International payments (from Europe only)

Bank transfer: (only applies to European banks)
IBAN: SE17 8000 0000 0713 6126 6139

As the bank charges us for the IBAN transactions, please add 1.5 EUR or 2 USD to the total amount if you choose to pay in this way.

Mark the payment with "EPC", and include name, city and highscore initials.
Recipient: David Kjellberg
Bank info:

International payments (from worldwide only)

PayPal/Credit card:
By clicking one of the buttons below you can pay any amount to the EPC PayPal account, regardless of whether you have a Paypal account or not! Please follow the instructions and fill in the total amount, which consist of registration fee and possible t-shirt cost. Your amount can be found in the registration mail sent to the mail address given in the registration process.

As PayPal charges us for these transactions, please add 1.5 EUR or 2 USD to the total amount if you choose to pay in this way.

Mark the payment with "EPC", and include name, city and highscore initials.

To pay with EURO, use this button:

To pay with DOLLAR, use this button:

If none of the above methods of payment is available to you or if you encounter any trouble with your payment, please email us.